Welcome to Project Inuyasha v-1.0

This page containsinformation on the characters of Inuyasha. To view the image galleries, click the "Image Galleries" button above in the main menu, or in the characters description. All information was retrieved from "The Art of Inuyasha: Collection of Original Illustrations by Rumiko Takahashi".

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Project Inuyasha version 1.0
This fan site is dedicated to the anime "Inuyasha" created by Rumiko Takahashi.

Good or Bad?


Sesshomaru Unlike Inuyasha, his younger half-brother, Sesshomaru is a pure-blooded demon whose mother was also a demon. He can change into a beast. From his father he inherited Tenseiga, which is useless as a weapon, so he tries to claim Tetsusaiga. Jaken is his loyal minion and tries very hard to impress Sesshomaru all the time. Late in the story he takes the little girl Rin as a minion.

Visit the Sesshomaru image gallery here.



JakenThis little demon is the familiar of Sesshomaru. His battle skills are poor, and his life is often saved by Sesshomaru. Rin seems to get on Jaken's nerves after she joins Sesshomaru's group, and Jaken sighs a lot. He uses the jintojo, a staff with heads of an old man and woman, to detect the grave of Sesshomaru's father. In Buddhist legend, the jintojo is used by Enma Daio ("king of hell") to measure the weight of sin in the dead. An example from En' ooji Temple in Kamakura is closest to the original drawing used in the story.

Visit the Jaken image gallery here.



RinThe girl who cared for Sesshomaru when he was badly injured. After being nearly devoured by the wolves of the Yoro clan, she is revived by the power of Tenseiga. After that the innocent girl becomes attached to Sesshomaru.


Visit the Rin image gallery here.



KikyoThe priestess who subdued Inuyasha and died 50 years before the time of Kagome. She was the guardian of the jewel. Kaede is her younger sister. Kikyo is revived at the hand of the ogress, Urasue, but her heart is filled with revenge.


Visit the Kikyo image gallery here.



KohakuKohaku, enchanted by Naraku, kills his father and friends. Sango's younger brother is killed by archers at Hitomijo castle, but his body is resurrected by Naraku, who puts a shard of the jewel in his body, and Kohaku becomes Naraku's minion. The memory of his father's murder is suppressed, and he remembers nothing of his past. Naraku uses him as a hostage to force Sango to steal Tetsusaiga, then sends him to kill Kagome. To recover his memory, Kohaku must recall killing his father, but he adamantly refuses.

Visit the Kohaku image gallery here.



KohakuThis demon controls man-eating wolves. He has shards of the jewel in his right arm and feet. He uses Kagome in his battle with the gakurakucho. He falls in love with Kagome at first sight, and makes enough passes at her to anger Inuyasha. It was his tribe that was responsible for killing Rin.

Koga image gallery coming soon...


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